Beyond The Lens Project | The Philip A. Droulia Foundation

Supporting licensed recovery high schools for students struggling with substance use & mental health disorders.

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What We Do

  • Our hope is to end the stigma around addiction and help loved ones through structured action and unique approaches.

  • Our mission is to provide scholarship funding to accredited and licensed recovery high schools to help students (grades 9-12) on their road to recovery through the Arts and Humanities.

  • Educating our audience through educational information about addiction and providing helpful resources for those in need.

  • You are not in this alone. Our goal with Beyond The Lens is to create a community, so that we can end the silence around addiction and help one another towards a purpose-driven future.

“The mentality and behavior (of those struggling with addiction) is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope.”

— Russel Brand

Images below by Philip Droulia